Creating contacts heap

Contacts Heap was designed to help you manage huge list of contacts that has no information like first name, last name & date of birth. You can use this to store your anonymous contacts, that is, the contact you don’t want their names/info stored on the server.

contacts heap

By using this feature, you can save your huge contact list, anonymously on iBulky server and send message to them at once. Please note, whilst adding your contacts to a heap, any duplicate entry will be remove. i.e if you add 2348030000001,2348030000001,2348030000002,2348030000001,2348030000003,2348030000002 to a heap; only 2348030000001,2348030000002,2348030000003 will be saved.


To send message to the contacts in a heap, click on SELECT FROM HEAPS . A pop-up window will display the list of heaps you have in your account. You can add the contacts in a heap to the TO field. By clicking the add button, all your contacts in the heap will be added to the TO list.

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